
Message by Managing Trustee

  Healthcare is one among India’s largest sector in revenue generation and creation of employment opportunities and it has witnessed phenomenal growth thanks to heavy investments both by public and private players. The FDI also has played a crucial role in catapulting the healthcare sector. Paramedics are the key players in the Health & Medical Industry. Without paramedics, the entire Health Industry is out of gear and is almost non-functionary. 

India will require more than 2,50,000 medical lab. Technician / Para Medical staff / Multipurpose health worker will be required in hospitals / PHCs / Nursing homes. However, there is a great shortage of skilled Para-medical staff is essential to run such institutions. Thus the field of paramedical sciences is gaining ever increasing importance and demand, offering lucrative careers in the health sector 

A Paramedic is a Professional who helps the Doctors in specialized areas and facilities for better diagnosis, treatment and therapy. The increase in number of patients, variety of diseases and the demand for huge treatment have paved the way for paramedical professionals who are expert technicians or therapists providing better quality towards Human Health Care.

Lokmanya Medical Research Centre’s Institute of Healthcare Technology and Information is immensely contributing to the health sector over more than three decades by offering health sector skill development education and research.

LMRC offers various paramedical courses in different streams which helped in raising the living standard of the poor students, to earn their bread in a respectable environment and to serve the human beings through their act and deed.We also support and initiate the Pradan Mantri Kashual Vikas Yojana to equip the Indian youth with vocational skill based training education and research  in healthcare industry.

We promote all round development of the students with special emphasis on Human, Moral, Psychological, Cultural, Intellectual and Spiritual aspect which is required to prepare modern professionals who are contributing citizens.

I remain with a quotation from Swami Vivekananda “We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own feet”.

With Best Wishes

Dr. V. G. Vaidya 

Managing Trustee